Who can apply for a GX Biz Account?
We’re glad you’re interested! Here’s a quick eligibility check below. You must be:
- A business that is:
- Sole Proprietorship registered with Syarikat Suruhanjaya Malaysia (SSM).
- Having an active (not inactive and not expired) SSM regitstration.
- An individual representing the business, fulfiling the following criteria:
- Malaysian citizen with MyKad;
- Individual aged 18 years old up to age 65 years old; and
- Has the rights/ownership or authorisation to represent the Business in loan and banking matters:
- Where Business is a Sole Proprietorship, the individual owner will be the rightful authorised party;
Do note that for the time being under GXBank's beta testing period (until further notice), GX Biz Account is only open to:
- Grab merchants
- Businesses whom owners are not GXBank [personal] account holder.