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GXBank Help Centre

How can I participate to earn the reward?


To earn the GX Referral reward:
(a) you must have an existing GX Account in good standing;
(b) you must go to your GXBank mobile application (“GX App”) version 1.7.14 for Android and 1.7.17 for iOS or above > Me > Share with friends - to send a Referral link and code (“Referral”) to your family and friends who are not existing GXBank customers (“Referee”);
(c) your Referee must successfully open a new GX Account using the Referral link or code sent by you (“Successful Referral”).

Important Note: A Referral will expire after sixty 60 days, if it has never been used. If this happens, Eligible Participant can resend a new Referral to the Referee, within the Campaign Period.

Further illustration of Referral Reward eligibility is as below:

  Illustration Reward eligibility
1 You sent a Referral to Referee A, who is not an existing GXBank customer. Referee A used the Referral link or code sent by you, and successfully opened a new GX Account. You are eligible to receive Referral Reward
2 You sent a Referral to Referee B, who is not an existing GXBank customer. Referee B did not use the Referral link or code sent by you, but successfully opened a new GX Account. You are not eligible to receive Referral Reward.
3 You sent a Referral to Referee C, who is not an existing GXBank customer. Referee C used the Referral link or code sent by you, but did not open a new GX Account. You are not eligible to receive Referral Reward

You sent a Referral to Referee D, who is not an existing GXBank customer. Referee D attempted to use the Referral link or code sent by you, but the Referral has expired.

Important Note:

A Referral will expire after sixty (60) days, if it has never been used. If this happens, you can resend a new referral link or code to the Referee, within the Campaign Period.

Upon receiving the new Referral sent by you, Referee D may continue to proceed to open a new GX Account

You are not eligible to receive the Campaign Reward

Important Note:

You are only eligible to receive the Referral Reward if Referee D successfully opens a new GX Account using the Referral link or code sent by you.

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