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How is daily interest calculated?


GX Account  Current Daily Interest Rate (Prior to 1 October 2024) Revised Daily Interest Rate (Effective to 1 October 2024) 
Main Account 3% p.a. 2% p.a.
Savings Pocket(s) 3% p.a. 2% p.a.

Effective Date: 1 October 2024

Interest is calculated based on the following formula:

  • Interest Amount = End of day Balance x (Interest Rate / Total Days of the Year)
    • “End of day Balance” refers to the balance in your respective Main Account and Savings Pocket(s) at 23:59:59.

    • The second decimal point will be rounded up to the nearest number if the third decimal point is 5 or above. Otherwise, it will be rounded down. Examples are as follows:

      • 0.02499 is rounded to 0.02
      • 0.02501 is rounded to 0.03
      • 0.99999 is rounded to 1.00
      • 0.99199 is rounded to 0.99
  • "Total Days of the Year" refers to either 365 for non-leap years or 366 for leap years, depending on the specific year for which the “End of day Balance” is being calculated.

Example for (2% p.a. X 365) =

On Day 1 (1st Oct 2024), you deposited RM50 upon account opening

End of day balance = RM50

Interest rate = 2% p.a.

Total days of the year = 366


- Interest rate per day = 2% p.a. / 366 days = 0.0000546448

- Multiply by end of day balance = 0.0000546448 X RM50 = RM0.00273224

- Interest round to nearest cent = RM0.00

On Day 2 (2nd Oct 2024), you deposited another RM2,000 into the account

End of day balance = RM2,050

Interest rate = 2% p.a.

Total days of the year = 366


Interest rate per day = 2% p.a. / 366 days = 0.0000546448

Multiply by end of day balance = 0.0000546448 X RM2,050 = RM0.11202184

Interest round to nearest cent = RM0.11

On Day 3 (3rd Oct 2024), no deposit and withdrawal activity in the account

End of day balance = RM2,050.11

Interest rate = 2% p.a.

Total days of the year = 366


Interest rate per day = 2% p.a. / 366 days = 0.0000546448

Multiply by end of day balance = 0.0000546448 X RM2,050.11 = RM0.112027

Interest round to nearest cent = RM0.11















Example for (2% p.a. X 366) =

On Day 4 (4th Oct 2024), you withdrew RM700 from the account

End of day balance = RM1,350.22

Interest rate = 2% p.a.

Total days of the year = 366


Interest rate per day = 2% p.a. / 366 days = 0.0000546448

Multiply by end of day balance = 0.0000546448 X RM1,350.22 = RM0.0737825

Interest round to nearest cent = RM0.07












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